Mittwoch, 25. April 2012

A very special building...Ely Cathedral. It's just amazing!

We've been very lucky that day. All the way from Standsted to Ely the clouds wouldn't go away. A few miles before we reached Ely the sun came out! 


Wir Glücklichen! Den ganzen Weg von Stansted bis Ely war der Himmel wolkenverhangen. Doch kurz vor unserem Eintreffen in der kleinen Stadt kam die Sonne zum Vorschein! 

The Nave is impression in itself (164m) but the ceiling is stunning! 


Das Kirchenschiff allein ist beeindruckend...und erst die Decke!

Very unique is the Octagon-Tower. We visited a lot of churches and cathedrals troughout UK but I never saw something like that. It's due to a catastrophy because in 1322 the original tower collapsed. It took 18 years to build the new, octagon tower. 


Einzigartig ist auch der achteckige Vierungsturm. Im Jahr 1322 stürzte der Originalturm ein und es dauerte 18 Jahre, diesen neuen, sehr schweren Turm zu bauen. 

I loved the blue light on the massive was created by the sunlight that fell through the window